20 March 2010

Still alive!

Hello all. Eurodex here. Yes, I am still alive.

I am sorry I haven't been around lately, but my work schedule has been crazy for the past months. I work at McDonald's as a lot and lobby supervisor, so my schedule has been having me work from 3:00 PM till 11:00 PM every weekend.

Plus all the free time I have had I have been putting towards working on this website called Alternate History Wiki. It is a website where you write stories about alternative history. The one I have been working on lately is one I made up, in which the Soviet Union continues to exist under Mikhail Gorbachev's New Union Treaty. If you are interested in checking it out, you can find it here. If you are not a fan of history, than I would say it's not for you.

Well anyway, I have been doing okay. Vega and Deneb have been eating well, and all my other characters are doing just fine.

I haven't forgotten all about the commissions I still have, plus I plan on getting back into drawing once I have the free time. I currently have several ideas on my mind. Among them includes a vore comic involving Vega and chickens. I also plan on doing a Devo-ish pick to honor their new album to be coming out in a few months. Don't worry, I think you all will like what I have in mind.

Again, I am sorry that I haven't been around much. I promise to be getting back very shortly. Until then, GET OFF MY PLANET!!!

08 March 2010


I work in fast food, and my worst enemy is Seagulls! They steal my food and crap on my clean store. They annoy me so much, I asked my Russian friend how to say seagull in Russian, and the word is чайка (chayka). So I am screaming "DIE SEAGULLS!!" in Russian! Why is this, I am thinking about doing a pic where Vega is attacking a group of seagull girls.

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By eurodex at 2010-03-07